We look forward to seeing your student tomorrow. Thank you!
LPS Parents: We have been notified by the local PTA president that there will NOT be a student pullout on Thursday, March 15th.
LPS Friendly Reminder: NO School for students Fri., Mar. 16 due to Professional Day. Spring Break will be Mar. 19-23. School resumes Mar. 26th. Thank you!
Watch our March 12th Board of Education Mtg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCamt-3niYk
LPS Parents & Staff: Due to continued inclement weather conditions, there will be NO SCHOOL Thursday, Feb. 22. Thank you.
LPS Parents & Staff: Due to pending inclement weather and freezing rain, there will be NO SCHOOL for Weds., Feb. 21st. Thank you.
LPS Friendly Reminder: There will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, Feb. 19th in observance of President’s Day. We'll see you Tuesday, Feb. 20th. Thank you.
MacArthur High School Parents: The basketball game scheduled for tonight (2/6) at MHS with Riverside is cancelled.
Lincoln parents: Lawton Police Dept is in the area. As a precautionary measure, the school has been placed on a lockdown (2/6). We will call w/an all clear. TY
Lawton Public Schools has made the decision to cancel classes for Friday, Jan. 26th due to the number of absences & illness. This includes and students.
Washington Elem. Parents: We received word that due to a necessary utility line repair, there will be NO SCHOOL Weds., Jan. 24. TY for your understanding.
LPS Friendly Reminder: A student must be fever free without use of medication for 24 hrs prior to returning back to school. Thank you for your understanding.
LPS Families: Pls. join us tonight for our district MLK, Jr Celebration @6PM at LHS. Also, there will be NO SCHOOL Mon, 1/15 in observance of the holiday. TY
MHS family: Const. crew wrkng on 45th St Prj hit a gas line on corner of 45&Gore today 1/9. Fire dept & Centerpoint crew is on-site. Evac is not required. TY
There will be an Indian Education Programs mtg on Tues., Jan. 9th-5:30 PM at the Douglass Learning Center, 102 E. Gore Blvd. Public welcome.
LPS Board approved Impact Aid Indian Policies & Procedures. Parent notice letter can be found on LPS Federal Programs webpage- https://tinyurl.com/y8t62dmn
Edison Parents: An ALL-CLEAR was given by the gas company. Students and staff are returning to the bldg. Thank you for your patience.
LPS Friendly Reminder: We will be closed for Thanksgiving Break Weds., 11/22-Fri., 11/24. We will see everyone back Mon., 11/27! Be safe & Happy Thanksgiving!
LPS Reminder: Tomorrow is Election Day & the last opportunity to vote on the LPS Bond Issue. Polls are open 7a-7p at regular polling site. Your vote counts! TY
MMS Parents: An "All-Clear" has been given by the Fire Department. Students & staff are returning and classes will continue as normal. Thank you.