We are hosting a Spring Art Show on May 2nd in conjunction with a 2nd grade singing performance at 6 p.m.
-Art Show rules- Any grade can enter. Must be on 8 1/2 by 11 size paper. There is not a specific topic to create art about, it is artist's choice and work is done at home. This is not going to be a required class assignment done in school. There will be first, second, and third place prizes for each grade. Put your name, teacher, and grade on the BACK of your drawing. Turn them into your teacher by April 27th.
-This will also be a PTA general meeting to elect officers for the 2017-2018 school year. We are in need of a Treasurer, which is a position we must fill. We are also looking to add two new positions and would need a new parent in Kindergarten to be our Early Childhood Advocate, and we need someone to be Vice President of Special Events. If you are interested in either of these three positions, please contact PTA President Aaron Brinker @ 816-679-5326 for more details.